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Benefits of Shop Floor Data Collection in Manufacturing

29/10/2024 | 9:30am - 12:30pm

Event Location: Online

Event Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/benefits-of-shop-floor-data-collection-in-manufacturing-tickets-990821823747?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

Contact Telephone: 01482 391640

Contact Email Address: business.support@eastriding.gov.uk

Event Description

Benefits of Shop Floor Data Collection in Manufacturing 

Tuesday 29 October, 09.30am - 12.30pm (03 hours) - Online

Join us for a comprehensive 3-hour webinar, "Benefits of Shop Floor Data Collection in Manufacturing," where we will explore how collecting and analysing shop floor data can drive efficiency, reduce downtime, enhance quality, and foster continuous improvement in your manufacturing processes.

Webinar Objectives

To provide an understanding of the importance of shop floor data collection.
To explore the benefits and applications of data-driven decision-making in manufacturing.
To discuss the tools and technologies available for effective data collection and analysis.

Photo Consent
Please note, to promote the work of the Council we wish to use photographs or images of people using or benefiting from our services or taking part in activities arranged by the Council.  Photographs will be taken during this session to promote this workshop and the support offered by the Invest East Yorkshire Service of East Riding of Yorkshire Council.  
These images will be used in social media, in printed and electronic promotion of our service and events.  They images will be stored electronically on Council networks and will be reviewed annually.
Under the Data Protection Act 2018 / UK GDPR 2018, we require your consent to use your personal image for this purpose.  If you do not wish to consent, please advise your Business Support Representative before the session starts.
These images will NOT be used for anything which may be viewed as negative in tone or that may cause offence, embarrassment or distress.
Images may also be used to validate that the session / support took place under our UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) requirements.  These images will not be available to the general public but will be retained until at least 2035.

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